The simplest way to live a healthier lifestyle is to add healthy foods to your diet. When you begin to focus on healthier foods, the first thing you will notice is you FEEL healthier. The old adage, you are what you eat, is truly sound advice. One of the healthiest foods you can use in your quest for good health is balsamic vinegar. The health benefits of balsamic vinegar are extensive and well known among the natural health community. It has been used for centuries in various parts of the world, both as a flavoring and for its nutritive value.

Weight loss – Balsamic vinegar is well known for its ability to suppress the appetite. Because of its ability to improve the body’s metabolism, it can also increase energy levels and allow the body to burn fat easily and efficiently. Including balsamic vinegar in the diet, increases a dish’s overall nutrient content. Including it at the beginning of a meal will help you to feel full much quicker, reducing the amount of food consumed.

Antioxidants – One of the main health benefits of balsamic vinegar is the abundance of antioxidants to be found in this liquid powerhouse. Trebbiano grapes, the fruit balsamic vinegar is made for, is responsible for the high antioxidant content. The nutrient value in balsamic vinegar boosts the immune system and helps to prevent chronic illnesses. Antioxidants are also thought to aid in the prevention of cancer and other illnesses.

Digestive System – Balsamic vinegar is widely known for its enzymes that improve digestion and helps the body assimilate nutrients more efficiently. As digestion gradually becomes more efficient, the body’s energy levels increase and their metabolism begins to speed up. Balsamic vinegar can be mixed with olive oil as a refreshing salad dressing or seasoning.

Trace mineral content – Another health benefit of balsamic vinegar is its abundant number of trace minerals. The wealth of minerals contained in balsamic vinegar can help reduce the risk of anemia and other illnesses associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Trace minerals such as manganese, selenium and magnesium can be found in balsamic vinegar. While the amounts of each mineral may be small, they still provide the body with much needed nutrition they may not get with other foods.

Anti-bacterial/antiviral – Balsamic vinegar is also known for its anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Adding it to foods passes on those properties increasing the body’s resistance to infection and various viruses and bacteria. Including it in meals during the cold and flu season can substantially reduce the risk of contracting the pesky illnesses.

Aside from the health benefits of balsamic vinegar, adding it to foods provides taste as well as nutrition. A common combination is mixing balsamic vinegar with extra virgin olive oil. Not only does this unique combination added massive amounts of nutrients, it adds the unique flavor of Mediterranean cuisine. Olive oil has been used for centuries and is well known for its omega 3 fatty acids and their healthy affect on the body. Combining the two health staples adds up to a healthy mix that can be used for baking, braising, for vegetables, meats, potatoes, salads, beverages or anything you can think of.

Upcoming Events

28 Mar
Reno Home & Garden Show
Date 03.28.2025 - 03.30.2025
25 Apr
Great San Juan Bautista Rib Cook Off
04.25.2025 - 04.27.2025
3 May
Sparks Cinco de Mayo Festival
05.03.2025 - 05.04.2025
23 May
Sumpter Flea Market
05.23.2025 - 05.26.2025
30 May
Reno River Festival
05.30.2025 - 06.01.2025
7 Jun
Owyhee Outpost Days
06.07.2025 - 06.08.2025
20 Jun
Sparks Taco Fest
06.20.2025 - 06.21.2025


Celia's Gourmet Foods

Bear Creek Road
Bend, Oregon 97701